AKTU organizes the UPSEE 2020 Exam in May and releases the UPSEE Answer key 2020 in the same month. All the ambitious candidates who have written the examination will explore the official answer key. If you are among them, just visit our website to get the answer key soon after finishing the exam. In this post, we included the working links for paper 1 and 2 UPSEE answer keys. Check it out!
UPSEE Answer Key 2020
Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU) will publish the official UPSEE answer key in May. Every year, this University organizes this entrance examination for the aspirants. The immediate thing for which the candidates explore after the completion of the examination is the UPSEE 2020 answer key. To check whether the candidates have secured good marks in the exam, they require a valid answer key.

In general, the official UPSEE Answer Key will be released at least a week after the examination. As per the previous trends, the University may release the official answer key on the same day after the exam. We provide accurate links for the UPSEE Answer key 2020 for both papers in this post. As of now, there is no official announcement regarding the release date of the answer key. However, we expect the University may release the key in the third week of May 2020.
UPSEE 2020 Answer Key for Paper 1
The AKTU University will conduct the UPSEE examination in two phases i.e., two papers. The candidates can check the UPSEE Answer Key 2020 for paper 1 as well as paper 2. The aspirants can visit the official website of the University to download or check the key for paper 1. We have included the step-by-step procedure for downloading the UPSEE answer key in this post.
UPSEE 2020 Answer Key for Paper 2
For paper 2, the candidates can visit the official website of UPSEE and download it using the link. By checking the UPSEE 2020 answer key for paper 2, the aspirants can get an idea about their performance. For paper 2, there will be four codes such as code-AA, code-AB, code-AC, and code-AD. We will soon update the accurate link for the answer key in this article.
How to Download UPSEE Answer Key 2020?
Follow the simple steps provided below to download UPSEE 2020 Answer Key from this website:
- Initially, go to the links that are present in this article.
- Tap the link that reads, ‘UPSEE 2020 Answer Key‘. The answer key will be downloaded on your device.
- You can then check your answers with the help of the answer key.
- See the right answers and wrong answers that you have marked in the entrance exam.
- Later, calculate the numbers of correct answers manually.
- As there is no negative marking, the candidates will understand their results immediately.
That’s all! This is a simple procedure to download the answer key of UPSEE.
How to Challenge UPSEE 2020 Answer Key?
Usually, the University will release the answer key with correct answers. But, in rare cases, the University may do some errors while preparing the key. In such a case, the candidate has the chance to challenge the UPSEE 2020 answer key. If the authorities accept the challenges from the candidates, they will change the answer key. Later, they will once again release the UPSEE answer key.
Follow the easy steps given below to challenge UPSEE answer key 2020:
- To challenge the answer key, the candidates must write an email to the University.
- Enter some of the details in the email as furnished below:
- Name of the Candidate
- Roll Number
- Paper Code
- Paper Number
- Grievance Question Number
- Ensure that you write the right answer in the email and should mention the reason for challenging it as the correct answer. It is required to attach essential proofs along with the email.
- Now the candidates can send the email to the mail id given below:
- upsegrievance@aktu.ac.in
- A correct answer that you suggest alongside the supporting documents
How to Calculate Marks Using UPSEE Answer Key?
The candidates can easily calculate their marks secured in the entrance exam using the UPSEE answer key. The procedure to calculate the UPSEE 2020 answer key is quite simple. Follow the steps given below:
- At first, download the answer from the links available on this page.
- With the help of the answer key, you need to count the right and incorrect answers.
- As per the marking scheme of UPSEE 2020 and the university authorities, calculate the marks.
- After the evaluation, you can count the total number of correct answers. It will be your final score in the UPSEE exam 2020.
That’s it! This is the detailed procedure to calculate the marks with the UPSEE 2020 answer key.
We hope this article has given the necessary information about the UPSEE Answer key 2020. For more doubts, ask us in the comments section. Bookmark our website – KVPY.ORG.IN to get the latest updates on various exams and results.