TSCHE has geared up to issue the TS PGECET Admit Card 2021 for all the applicants in May 2021. Lakhs of students seeking to get admission into various PG programs have registered for the admission test online. Since the completion of the application process, the candidates have started exploring the hall ticket. If you are eagerly waiting for the admit card, you can access it easily from the official website. In this post, we included a detailed guide about the admit card downloading process, exam guidelines and more. Have a look!
TS PGECET Admit Card 2021
The Osmania University has scheduled to organize the PGECET examination for all the students in May 2021. OU usually organizes this exam on behalf of the Telangana State Council of Higher Education (TSCHE). The aspiring candidates who are seeking to get admission into regular PG courses in different streams have applied for the examination. Some of them include Engineering, Technology, Pharmacy and Architecture and other programmes like Pharm-D and Graduate level courses. Osmania University has released an official notification for the PGECET examination this year. It has invited all the eligible and interested candidates for online applications. A large number of aspirants have applied for the examination. After the completion of the registration, the University has planned to release the TS PGECET Hall Ticket 2021 in online mode.

Every individual who is highly ambitious about obtaining admission to the best PG colleges will take up this test. An admit card is a mandatory document for all the students. The hall ticket comprises various details of the examinee such as the exam date, time, center, instructions and more. To download the hall ticket from the official website, the candidates require vital details. The details must be filled in the given fields on the website. It includes the registration number and date of birth of the examinee. The candidates must select the examination paper for the entrance test on the same page. Using these details, the TS PGECET Admit Card can be accessed easily online. The examinees should carry the hall ticket to the exam venue. On the day of the exam, the officials will verify the hall ticket. If they find any issues on the admit card, those candidates won’t be permitted to write the test.
OU University has decided to release the admit card for the applicants in May. We don’t have the official announcement regarding the hall ticket availability. However, we have included the tentative release date for TS PGECET Admit Card 2021. We anticipate that the board might release the hall ticket in the 3rd or 4th week of May 2021. The students can easily download their hall tickets for the PGECET examination from the official website. To know the exact issuance date of the admit card, stay tuned to this website. The hall ticket acts as an identity proof of the candidate who is about to take up the exam. Besides the admit card, the candidates must carry an identity document. It can be any of the documents such as an Aadhaar card, PAN, driving license and more. We will provide the direct link here for the hall ticket download soon after the official release.
How to Download TS PGECET Hall Ticket?
Here are the simple steps to TS PGECET Hall Ticket download from the official web portal of TSCHE:
- First of all, go to the official web portal of the board at
- Just tap on the link that says ‘TS PGECET Admit Card 2021.’
- You will be redirected to a new web page. On that page, you will find a window prompting you to enter a few details.
- Enter the registration number and date of birth in the given fields.
- Select the examination paper for the entrance test.
- You can then hit the button that reads, ‘Download Hall Ticket.’
- The Hall ticket for the admission test will appear on the screen.
- The students can either take a print out of the result or download it for further reference.
- Make sure that you carry the admit card to the exam hall without fail.
That’s all! This is an easy procedure to easily acquire access to the TS PGECET Hall Ticket 2021. The candidates are advised to check whether all the details printed on the admit card are correct or not. If you find any mistakes on the hall ticket, inform immediately to the concerned authorities.
Details Mentioned on TS PGECET Admit Card
The candidates can find various details on the TS PGECET Hall Ticket 2021. We mentioned the details printed on the admit card below. Check it out!
- Name of the Examinee
- Father’s Name
- Examination Name
- Date and time of the entrance test
- The venue of the exam
- Address of the exam venue
- Exam guidelines
- Date of Birth of the candidate
- Photo and Signature of the Examinee
- Convenor’s Signature
- The contact number of the examinee
- Category of the candidate
- Hall ticket number
Things to Carry Along With TS PGECET 2021 Admit Card
The candidates must carry some of the essential things alongside the admit card to the exam hall. The aspirants need to produce their identity proof to the venue alongside the TS PGECET Admit Card 2021. It can be anyone from the following documents. Ensure that you carry the originals of the following documents. Check it out!
- Aadhaar Card
- Voter ID Card
- Driving License
- Passport
- PAN Card
- College ID Proof
The aspirants must ensure that they have carried the aforementioned documents to the exam hall. If you fail to carry any of the documents, you won’t be allowed to take up the entrance test.
Exam Day Instructions for the Students
The candidates need to follow some of the vital exam day instructions before heading to the test. If you are unaware of the instructions, we have listed some of them in this post. Check it out!
- The examinees must visit the exam hall at least 1 hour before the initiation of the entrance test.
- Without carrying a valid admit card, the candidates aren’t permitted to enter into the exam hall.
- The candidates need to ensure that they finish the payment during the registration. Only after successful payment, the candidates will be issued an admit card.
- The candidates shouldn’t carry electronic gadgets such as mobile phones, calculators, pagers and more.
- Till the completion of the examination time, the candidates aren’t permitted to go out of the exam hall.
- As mentioned already, the candidates must and should carry the necessary documents to the exam hall. After the verification, the candidates can enter the venue to take up the test.
- The aspirants must visit the exam venue at least 2 days before the actual exam day to track the address. This helps the contenders to evade the last minute tension regarding the exam center address.
That’s all! This is everything you need to understand about the TS PGECET Admit Card 2021. We assume this post has given adequate information about the hall ticket. If you still have any doubts about this topic, just ask us in the comments space. Stay tuned to this website to know more details about the latest educational news, results and more. You can even bookmark our website – KVPY.ORG.IN to receive the latest notifications about various exams.