The Madhya Pradesh Open School (MPOS) has disclosed the exam schedule for class 12 board exams. The time table for the exams are available for download in the official website of MPSOS. The exams will be organized in the month of December as per the official schedule. Students should check the dates and get ready for the upcoming exams. If you are looking for the MPSOS 12th Time Table 2020 then read on.
MPSOS 12th Time Table 2020
The exams for the MPSOS exams 2020 will kickstart soon. The exam timings were also revealed by the exam authority. There is a time of three months in between for the exams and so students will get good enough time for their preparation. The board also released the 10th time for the exams. Other than the regular board exams, the Open School Board has also released time table for Ruk Jana Nahi Exams and MP Madarsa Board Exam 2020.

The exams will start on Monday and the first ever exam is English/Sanskrit. The last exam according to the notification is electives which will be held on Wednesday. MPSOS conducts the exams twice in an year. While the first session of board exams are held in June, the second session exams are held in December on a regular note. Students are advised to download the MPSOS 12th Time Table 2020 and know the dates of each of the subjects clearly. Students can find it easy for their preparation if they are aware of the dates properly. This implies that if the dates of the subjects are known in order candidates can devise the plan for study in the same order.
How to Download MP Open School 12th Time Table
Here we have given some useful steps on how to download the MPSOS 12th time table for the year 2020. Students can follow the steps that we are going to list out here to download their time table for the 12th exams in no time. Check here the MP Open School 12th Time Table 2020.
- Visit the official website of MPSOS –
- In the home page of the website one can see lot of download links.
- Scroll down and move to the right side corner of the page to find the time table links.
- Find the link that says ‘open school exam 2020 time table’ and click on it.
- The link will take you to a new page where you can see the PDF file of the time table.
- Candidates can check the dates, day and also the exam name from the table given in the PDF file.
- Download the PDF file so that you can check with the dates anytime you want without visiting the official website again.
You can also find note under the table where you can see some important instructions for the students.
Hope the information covered here on MPSOS 12th Time Table 2020 December is helpful for you. Stay informed about more MPSOS articles by bookmarking our website KVPY.ORG.IN.