Madhya Pradesh Board of Higher Secondary Education is the board that organizes the board exams for the 10th and 12th students on an annual note. This year as well, the board has scheduled the exams for the 12th students. All the eligible students of the MP board that has successfully registered for the 12th board exams are hereby informed that MP Board 12th Admit Card 2020 has been released by the board through its official website and are suggested to download them.
MP Board 12th Admit Card 2020
Every year MPBSE hosts 12th public exams for the students studying under it. It conducts the exams under jumbling system which means that students take up the exams in different exam centers other than their own junior college they have pursued their 12th education. Students will be informed about their exam venue details through the admit card only. So, students need to download the admit card on an immediate note to get the details about the exam timings and exam venue. Students should remember that they will not be authorized to take the exam without the admit card in hand. That is the role that the admit card plays in the board exams. So, students need to remember taking MP board 12th admit card to the exam hall without fail.

Board of Secondary Education, Madhya Pradesh is responsible for conducting and administrating the board exams for the students at the end of academic year. The board follows its academic calendar that is prepared by itself at the starting of the session. It regulates both 10th and 12th exams for the students studying under its recognized schools. It provides affiliation to the schools that are formed new. It prescribes syllabus and courses of study to the students. It provides direct support to the schools and colleges that runs under its jurisdiction. Other than the regular schools, it also runs model schools under its name such as Model High, TT Nagar etc.
How to Download MPBSE 12th Admit Card
MPBSE is the primary board to release the MPBSE 12th admit card. Last year the admit card was released on 7th February. This year, the board is ahead and released the admit card earlier than dated tentatively by many of the websites. The exams will to be held from 2nd March 2020 to 2nd April 2020 according to the MP Board 12th time table released by MPBSE. Students who haven’t downloaded the time table yet can get it right away from online to know the dates, subject names and also subject codes. As the admit cards are out, it is time for the students to hurry up and get them first. The admit cards for all the streams like Arts, Science and Commerce were released by the board at a time.
- Visit the official website of MPBSE – or
- In the website you can see Active Links section.
- Click on it and you will see MPBSE 12th admit card link.
- Click on the link and you will be directed to the login page.
- Enter the login details and submit the details.
- On submission your admit card appears on the screen.
- View all the details present on the card clearly and download it.
- Take a printout of the card for future exam use i.e., till MP 12th Result.
Details mentioned on MP Board 12th Admit Card
The details printed on the MPBSE Admit Card 2020 include:
- Name of the Candidate
- Name of the Exam Centre
- Name of the exam board
- Roll number
- Exam Centre Code
- Photograph of the Candidate
- Signature
- Subject Name
- Subject Wise Code
- General instructions
This is the process to get the MP Board 12th Admit Card downloaded from online. Students can seek the help of our website – KVPY.ORG.IN for latest updates about MP board exams.