It is time for board exams and the Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education (MPBSE) is busy with the preparations for the 10th public exams. As per the academic calendar of MP board, the academic session will be closing soon and the board has decided on commencing the public 10th exams for its students. Not so in the past, it has released the time table and now has released the MP Board 10th Admit Card 2020. Eligible students can download their admit cards by visiting the authoritative website of MP board.
MP Board 10th Admit Card 2020
Students who have registered successfully for the exams will only be issued admit cards. So, students who didn’t find their admit cards online should remember that they are not eligible to the exam. Last year, the board has issued the MP Board 10th Admit Card on 2nd February 2019. The board has kept the link active for almost two months. Students should remember that the admit card will not be hosted online once the exams begin. So, students should get it downloaded at least a week or so before the exams start. According to the time table that was released earlier, the board exams will be held from 5th March to 31st March 2020.

MPBSE is a board of school education in the state of Madhya Pradesh. It was formed in the year 1985 and is headquartered in Bhopal. The board is accountable for administering, and directing the state’s higher educational system. It regulates the intermediate education in the state. It governs various responsibilities such as prescribing syllabus, courses of study, providing affiliations etc. All the schools and junior colleges run under the jurisdiction of the board. Along with conducting regular exams, the board also organizes supplementary exams for the students annually. For now, the board hosts the admit cards for the students download purpose. We suggest the MP 10th students to go download their admit cards on an instant note.
How To Download MPBSE 10th Admit Card 2020
Before heading to download the MPBSE 10th Admit Card 2020, students should know the importance of the card at the time of board exams. The admit card contains key details about the exam as well as the exam taker. The details present on it are covered here in this page for you. Students should recollect the benefits of the admit card and take it to the exam hall without hitting miss. Students without the admit card in hand will not be entertained to sit for the exam. Also, the board will not allow the students who come late to the exam hall.
The process to download the MPBSE 10th admit card is given below in steps. You can go through each and every step and follow them in order to download your admit card easily.
- Visit the official website of MP Board –
- In the homepage of the website, you can find Active Links section.
- Click on it and you will see MPBSE Admit Card 2020 link.
- Click on it and you will be asked to enter your login details.
- Enter as directed and after entering the details submit the page.
- On submission your admit card appears on the screen.
- Check all the details present on it and download it for checking MP 10th Result.
Details Mentioned on MP Board 10th Class Admit Card
The details present on the admit card include:
- Name of the Board
- Name of the Examination
- Guardian’s Name
- Roll Number
- Registration Number
- Photograph of the Candidate
- Examination Timings
- Name of the Examination
- School Code
- School Name
- Centre Name
- Centre Code
- Important Instructions
- Signature of Designated Authorities
We suggest our readers to go through all the instructions present on the MP Board 10th Admit Card and adhere them well to have a happy exams. Keep visiting our site for more updates related to MP board 10th Exams.