With not much wait, the Board of Secondary Education Manipur (BSEM) has issued the admit cards for the HSLC exams 2020. Students who have volunteered themselves to appear for the HSLC exams this year can download the Manipur HSLC Admit Card 2020. The admit card accommodates all the chief information regarding the student as well as the exam to be conducted. So, students must and should download the admit card before the last date as mentioned in the official website of Manipur board.
Manipur HSLC Admit Card 2020
BSEM was established in the year 1972 by an Act of Manipur Legislative Assembly. Besides the academic activities, the board also prescribes conditions for granting recognition of standard I and VIII. The board has around 786 high and higher secondary schools affiliated to it. Either the government or the private bodies manage the schools in the state. The board conducts examination for the students at the end of class X along with releasing curriculum and syllabus for the exams. The board also distributes text books for class I to X students every year. The schools will conduct the exams by themselves. The Manipur 10th Admit Card will be issued officially by the authority by means of its web portal. Only eligible students will be provided access to download the admit card from the official website.

Students who are going to appear for the HSLC board exams can visit the website and follow the steps as directed here to get their admit card downloaded forthwith. According to a report, every year the board publishes around 70,000 admit cards for 10th and 12th students. Last year the board has delayed the release of admit cards a bit and so this year it has planned to do it ahead of time. Bearing in mind the same, the board has rolled out the admit cards earlier than said.
How to Download BSEM 10th Admit Card 2020
Students who are new to download BSEM 10th Admit Card 2020, can go through the steps that we are going to update here in this page. These steps will help you get the admit card downloaded very effortlessly. Check them out!
- Go visit the official website of BSEM – bsem.nic.in.
- In the official website, you can find Downloads tab on the top of the homepage.
- Click on it and you will see a list of links blinking as New.
- Click on the latest link that says ‘BSEM 10th admit card 2020’ and click on it.
- The link will take you to a login page where you will need to input your username and password.
- Submit the details and your admit card will appear on the screen.
- Look into the details clearly and download the admit card.
- Take a printout of the admit card and keep it safe for the exam use.
Details Mentioned on Manipur 10th Admit Card
Students need to know the significance of the details present on the admit card before download. The details play a key role as they have so much to do with the HSLC board exams that students are going to sit for. The details namely include:
- Name of a candidate
- Name of the board
- Exam Name
- Subject Names and dates
- Roll number of a candidate
- Exam timings
- Examination center
- Photograph of a candidate
- General instructions etc
Students need to check the details and if any discrepancies were found, it needs to be instantly reported to the higher authority. A new admit card will be issued shortly with all the necessary corrections made.
If you are looking for Manipur HSLC Admit Card 2020, this is all you need to know. We shall refurbish our website – KVPY.ORG.IN with more updates regarding the same.