The Council of Higher Secondary Education, Manipur is in full on preparations to commence HSE exams for its students. Students that claim to belong to the COHSEM are relatively looking for the issuance of the admit cards. The board has considered the enthusiastic students and issued the admit card just now. Students who have registered for the HSE board exams are advised to go through official website and click on the active link provided there to download Manipur HSE Admit Card 2020.
Manipur HSE Admit Card 2020
COHSEM is a reputable education board in the state of Manipur. The board was established in the year 1992 under the provisions of the Manipur Higher Secondary Act, 1992. Before the establishment of the council, the +2 courses in the state were carried out by the Board of Secondary Education, Manipur. While the Higher Secondary School Leaving Certificate course was conducted by Higher Secondary Schools, Pre-University course used to be held by the Manipur university in the College. With the introduction of the council, both the sectors were combined to form Higher Secondary course under the Council of Higher Secondary Education, Manipur. The board affiliates all the schools and colleges that have +2 courses in them. Whether the school is private/government or government-aided, the board will take care of the education in the schools all by itself.

The board regulates the HSE exams for the students on a strict note every year in various schools across the state. The exams will be conducted on a state level and all the districts need to take part in the exams without exemption. Students who want to know their exam center can download the Manipur 12th Admit Card 2020 to check with the dates. Only the admit card contains the details about the exam. So, students need to be quick at downloading the time table from online. Students who cannot visit online to download the hall ticket can simply go to the college they are pursuing their HSE education in and collect it from there. The schools will maintain the original copies of the admit cards with them all the time for the convenience of the students.
How to Download COHSEM HSE Admit Card
The steps below will pilot you to download the admit card comfortably. You can go through the steps and download your admit card before the exam date. We suggest our readers to get the admit card downloaded at least a week before the exams.
- Visit the official website of COHSEM –
- In the website you can click go to List of Notifications section.
- In the section find the link that reads ‘ COHSEM HSE Admit Card’ and click on it.
- The link will open in a new page where you need to enter your details like registration number and date of birth.
- After entering the details submit the page.
- On submission your admit card appears on the screen.
- View the details present on it and download the card.
- Take a printout of the admit card for exam use.
Details Mentioned on Manipur 12th Admit Card 2020
The Manipur 12th admit card consists of details that are far more important than you can think. The details include name of the candidate, name of the examination board, roll number, passport size photograph, exam names, exam dates, exam timing, exam venue, instructions etc. Students need to go through all the details listed in the admit card and check for their correctness.
Students should be more considerate about their studies from now as there is pretty less time left for the exams. The Manipur HSE Admit Card 2020 will be the first thing that students need to download. Bookmark our website – KVPY.ORG.IN for more updates on Manipur HSE exams.