The Board of College Education Haryana (BSEH) is the responsible authority that issues admit cards to the registered candidates of the board. Students who have registered for the HBSE 12th board exams 2020 are hereby informed that the BSEH board has released the admit cards online. Students must collect their admit cards before the exams. Earlier, the board has released the time table for the HBSE 12th exams and according to it, the exams will be held in March. Students who haven’t gone through the time table yet can get it from our website. Students should be aware of the dates of the exams in order to plan their preparation for the board exams. Coming back to the admit card release, the board has uploaded HBSE 12th Admit Card 2020 for all the registered candidates in its official website –
HBSE 12th Admit Card 2020
Every year lakhs of students take part in the HBSE conducted 12th board exams. The exams will be held very strictly by the board citing the pivotal role they play in the future. The board has rolled out admit cards for the desperate candidates of both first and second year intermediate education. Students should not delay the download process of the admit cards as they will not be hosted once the exams kickstart.

Students should note that they will not be allowed for the 12th board exams if they don’t carry the original document of the HBSE 12th Admit Card with them. As it contains all the important information regarding the student as well as the exam, the invigilator makes sure to check every detail in particular and allows the candidate for the exam only if all the details mentioned are apt.
Students who have no access to the internet and want to get the admit card through offline mode do it by visiting their junior college. The college administration keeps the original document of the admit card of all the students with them. Candidates should note that the admit card will not be sent to their address through post or something as such. Students who are opting for online download of Haryana 12th admit cards can use their name or registration number to fetch their admit card from online.
How to Download Haryana Board 12th Admit Card
To download the Haryana Board 12th Admit Card, students need to follow certain steps as directed by the board. We have listed those steps here to assist you in downloading your admit card. Read them out!
- Open the official website of the Haryana board.
- In the Announcements Section on the homepage you can ‘Student Corner’.
- Click on it and select class XII link.
- It will open a new page where you can see the Haryana board 12th admit card link.
- Click on the link and you will be asked to select first or second year inter and select accordingly.
- It will take you to a new page.
- The page will prompt you to enter your details.
- Enter the details as directed and submit.
- On submission your admit card appears on the screen.
- Go through the details present on the document and download it.
- Take a printout of the admit card for future exam use.
Details Mentioned on HBSE 10th Admit Card
The details present on the admit card play a key role in the board exams. Students after downloading the admit card must check the details and confirm if they are correct or not to your knowledge. The details present on the card include name of the board, name of the candidates, father’s name, roll number, date of birth, gender, category, photograph of the candidate, examination venue, exam timing, instructions to the candidates etc.
Students can follow our website – KVPY.ORG.IN to receive latest updates about the HBSE 12th Admit Card 2020.