Council of Higher Secondary Education, Odisha Prajnapitha is going to conduct annual Higher Secondary Examination for the year 2020. Not so past in time it has invited applications from the eligible students of the state of all the districts. It accepted thousands of applications and now has released CHSE Odisha 12th Time Table 2020 for those students. The enrolled students are therefore suggested to download the time table from the official website of CHSE soon.
CHSE Odisha 12th Time Table 2020
CHSE is an approved board in the state of Odisha. It has lakhs of students pursuing education under it. Every year thousands of students get certified by the board from 10th and 12th classes. This year too many students are getting ready to get certified by the board. Students should note that the first step towards the preparation is to download the time table. So, we suggest our readers who are belonging to the CHSE Odisha board to get the time table immediately from online and after that download Odisha 12th Admit Card. The time table consists of the appropriate dates of the exams on which the exams have been scheduled. Students who want to prepare a study plan to start their preparation can make use of the time table that was tabulated here in this page.

CHSE has released the Odisha +2 Time Table 2020 for Arts, Science and Commerce groups along with distance and vocational courses. Students should get their respective time tables downloaded from online. The link to download the exam schedules is the same. So, students need not worry about link search. The board will shortly release the time table for the practical exams as well. Students taking part in the practical exams need to have good practice in the lab during their academic session so as to attain good marks. The lab marks will help the students in increasing the overall score of the board exams and get good Odisha +2 Result. So, students need to concentrate on the practical exams as well.
How to Download Odisha +2 Time Table
The download process of the time table involves pretty simple steps. Students should merely follow the steps directed below to download their time table in minutes time. For the uninitiated, the board has held the HSE exams for its students last year from 7th March to 30th March 2019.
- Open the official website of Odisha CHSE–
- In the official website, on the right side panel of the page, you can find a session full of notifications.
- From those, search for the notification saying, ‘Programme for annual higher secondary examination – 2020’.
- It will then load a new page containing the PDF file of the CHSE Odisha Time Table 2020.
- Students can simply check the dates present on it and along with dates as we as days from the file.
- The file also contains the instructions that the students must go through.
There ends the download process of CHSE Odisha 12th Time Table 2020. If you want to receive updates about the Odisha HSE exams then don’t forget to bookmark our website – KVPY.ORG.IN.