Chhattisgarh Board of Secondary Education (CGBSE) has come up with the CGBSE 12th admit card release. It has issued the 12th time table of CG Board earlier in January and now it has issued the admit cards. Students can fetch their admit card from the official website of the CGBSE board right away. The CGBSE 12th Admit Card 2021 is available for download both in online and offline modes. Students who want to get it through offline should visit their junior college and collect it from there. The hall ticket is available in PDF format for download. Students downloading it from online should have PDF viewer to view the document.
CGBSE 12th Admit Card 2021
The 12th exams of CG Board are conducted every year by the Chhattisgarh Secondary Education board on a prestigious note. Students take part in the exams in great numbers from all the districts of the state. The board is the one that holds the entire responsibility of conducting exams and also releasing the CG 12th results. The board is all set to conduct the 12th class exams for all the groups and both the first and second years. Citing the same, it has released the admit cards beforehand. Students should note that the admit cards will not be hosted for so long. Once the exams start, they will no longer be available for download. So, students should hurry up and download the admit cards as early as possible.

The admit cards for students of all the streams like Arts, Science, and Commerce have been released. Students can use their basic particulars to download CG Board 12th Admit Card 2021. Students can download their admit card using their roll number or their name i.e., roll number wise or name wise. Students can also fetch it using their school name or district name.
Procedure To Download CG Board 12th Admit Card
To download the CG Board 12th Admit Card, students need to follow certain pre-defined steps by visiting the official website of the board. Read on the below steps and apply them to get your admit card downloaded into your system.
- Visit the official website of CGBSE first –
- The website contains lot of information in it. In the homepage, find the link ‘Admission Letter – Higher Secondary Main Examination 2021’ and click on it.
- It will take you to a new page where you need to click ‘12th admit card main 2021’.
- This opens another page where you need to input your roll number or name and father name along with some numerical value in the specified slot.
- After entering the appropriate details click on ‘Get Detail’.
- Your admit card appears on the screen. Check the details present on the admit card and print it.
CGBSE 12th Admit Card Download completes successfully by following the above steps.
Details Mentioned On CGBSE 12th Admit Card 2021
The details present on the CGBSE play a key role in the 12th public exams. This is because it is a document that is mandated by the CG board to carry to the exam hall without which students are not allowed to enter the exam hall. The document contains particulars like:
- Name of the student
- Roll number
- Exam name
- Exam venue
- Exam timings
- Subject names
- Subject codes
- Instructions etc
Students need to check each and every detail printed on the admit card before making a move to download it. Discrepancies found if any should be reverted to the concerned official of the board.
Students need to remember to carry the CGBSE 12th Admit Card 2021 with them while going to the exam. For more latest updates about CGBSE exams, save the link of our website – KVPY.ORG.IN.