Board of Technical Education, Rajasthan (BTER) is in plans to reveal the results of diploma exams that it has conducted for the eligible contenders of the state. The exam authority is looking forward to release the BTER Polytechnic Result for the year 2019-20. The result is on the cards already and students can seek their marks very soon from the official website. Students are requested to read this article completely to know the updated info regarding the Polytechnic exam conducted by BTER board.
Update: BTER which organized Diploma examinations for 1st, 2nd and 3rd year polytechnic students announced the BTER Diploma Result 2020. Students can check their results from the official website.
About Board of Technical Education, Rajasthan
The Board of Technical Education, Rajasthan is situated in Jodhpur. It came into existence in the year 1957 and since offering its continuous services in the technical education field. Lakhs of students pursued technical education under the Rajasthan board till date. The board has great number of students taking the board exams under it every year. The board follows semester system to educate the students easily and to divide the syllabus conveniently. It prepares the curriculum for the technical institutes to follow. It affiliates the institutes that fall under its jurisdiction.

The board other than organizing the diploma Polytechnic exams for the students also takes care of announcing the results. It dies so through the official website it maintains all by itself. It informs all the decisions it makes regarding the technical education to the students as well as the institutions through notifications. It directs and supervises the technical education in the state of Rajasthan. Other than the technical education, the board also looks into the matters of other under graduation and post graduation degrees. It offers wide range of courses to the students in various disciplines. After conducting the exams it even releases the results and also presents certification to the students.
BTER Polytechnic Result 2020 for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Year
The BTER has successfully finished conducting the diploma annual exams for the students. The exams were held very strictly for which many enrolled students appeared. Now they all are awaiting the results announcement which will likely happen sooner or later. Students are requested to keep in touch with the official website to get the latest update about the BTER Diploma Result 2020. Students can get the latest news on the release of the result from our website as well. We shall update right here in this page for your easy access. The Polytechnic result will be published in the declared technical website of Rajasthan and students shouldn’t be confused over the matter.
Most of the students that took the exam are anxious to know the marks they have secured in the Polytechnic exams. This is because the better marks they gain, the better future they have in terms of higher education. Students are therefore very much excited to download their Rajasthan Polytechnic Result. The result of all the three years will be released by the board itself. The very recent result to be released is that of the diploma 3rd year’s and it happened in February. Many students already have gone through their marks and very few are left out with no knowledge of result release. Students belonging to the 3rd year diploma in engineering are requested to check and download their result immediately.
BTER Diploma Result 2020 Date
Students are ought to check their result because the percentage secured will give them a better understanding of themselves and how much more they need to work hard next time. Currently students are very tensed about the result announcement as the board has not yet revealed the date. Students that are wanting to know their BTER Rajasthan Result date can get it from it. We have come up with the date you are anticipating to know. The diploma 3rd year result was announced by the board on 5th February this year. Students that took the diploma 3rd year exams under various disciplines can directly visit the website and click on the concerned link to download their result. Previous year the result of all the three years were released in the month of September.
The BTER board conducted diploma exams for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd year students couple of months ago. It first loaded the results of 3rd year diploma exams in the official website for download. Now that the 1st and 2nd year exams are also completed students are searching for the respective results. The results of first and second year Polytechnic exams will be released very soon and the exact date will be updated here only. Students will be informed about the date by us and so we request your gracious visiting to our website often. Students can check their result using their name or roll number. The roll number will be found on the admit card and the name should be entered same as on the hall ticket. Students can download the PDF file of their result and search their name in it.
Procedure to Check Rajasthan Polytechnic Result Online
Not all the students are aware of the procedure to check the BTER Diploma Result 2020. So to help the unaware students we ard here with the official procedure to check the result.
- Open the official website of BTER –
- In the website you can find ‘Exam/Results’ tab.
- Click on it and it will open a list of results.
- Find and click on the ‘Diploma Results’ title among them.
- It will again display a list of results of various years and disciplines.
- Find the link that reads, ‘Engineering Diploma Result (1st year) 2019-20’ and click on it.
- The link will again open a new page where you need to input your roll number and then hit on submit button.
- On clicking submit your result will be displayed on the screen.
- Check your marks and download your result.
BTE Rajasthan Diploma Revaluation Result 2020
BTE Rajasthan encourages the students to apply for re-evaluation if they are not happy with their marks in the regular results. The opportunity is given to the students at the cost of application filling and application fee. Students that want their answer sheets to be evaluated once again for the sake of improving the marks can apply for this procedure. The re-evaluation doesn’t take much time and the board closes this process in not more than a month. Students can expect the re-evaluation result to be out within a month of applying.
BTER Polytechnic Result FAQs
Students that have queries regarding the Rajasthan Polytechnic Result can check out the most frequently asked questions hereunder. We have answered highly searched questions for you.
[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h4″ question-0=”When will BTER Release Rajasthan Diploma Result 2020?” answer-0=”The Rajasthan Technical Board shall announce the diploma three year results in February.” image-0=”” headline-1=”h4″ question-1=”What is the Official Website of BTER to Check Polytechnic Result?” answer-1=”The official website to check the result is –” image-1=”” headline-2=”h4″ question-2=”Where Should Students Collect original marksheet from?” answer-2=”Students can collect their marks sheet from their respective Polytechnic colleges.” image-2=”” headline-3=”h4″ question-3=”When will the Re-Evaluation of Answer Sheets take Place?” answer-3=”The re-evaluation will be done 15 days after result announcement.” image-3=”” headline-4=”h4″ question-4=”Will the BTER Conduct Supplementary Exams?” answer-4=”Yes, the board conducts supplementary exams for the failed students. ” image-4=”” count=”5″ html=”true” css_class=””]
Follow us continuously to know more about BTER Polytechnic Result 2020. We will update the exact date very soon in this same page. Bookmark our website to receive latest updates made by us.