Assam HSLC Routine 2021 : Download SEBA HSLC Exam Routine 2021 PDF Download

Secondary Education Board, Assam is going to prestigiously organize High School Leaving Certificate (HSLC) exam for the eligible students of the state.  All the students that are pursuing 10th education under the Assam board can take up the exam conducted by the board soon.  For those students who have been waiting for the release of the Assam HSLC routine 2021, we have come up with the good news.  The Assam education board has disclosed the exam routine for the year 2021 of HSLC. Students can no longer wait for it as it has been uploaded in the official website of Assam board by the higher authorities.

SEBA Assam HSLC Routine 2021

Every year SEBA conducts the HSLC board exams in the months of February/March. But this year, the board is in plans to organize the exam May/June 2021. Following the academic calendar of the board, the authority has disclosed the routine online.  According to the exam routine, the exams will kickstart on 11th May 2021. The first exam to be held is English. The exams will end on 1st June 2021. Other than the the theory exams, the board also conducts practical exams for the students carrying proper SEBA HSLC Admit Card.

Assam HSLC Routine
Assam HSLC Routine

The assam hslc exam routine 2021 for practical exams were also released by the authority.  The practical exams for subjects like Fine Art & Computer Science will take place on 4th March 2021 while for subjects like Garment Designing, Home Science, Music, Dance, Agriculture, Cane and Bamboo Technology, Textile Design & Clothing and Wood Craft the exam will be held on 5th March 2021.  Students appearing for the Assam HSLC exams 2021 can visit the official website of SEBA and download the PDF file of the exam –

DateDayMorning Shift (09:00 AM to 12:00 PM)Afternoon Shift (01:30 PM to 04:30 PM)
11th May 2021TuesdayEnglish
13th May 2021ThursdayAssamese
15th May 2021SaturdayWood Craft,
Retail Trades,
Private Security,
Health Care,
Agriculture and horticulture,
Tourism and hospitality
17th May 2021MondayGeneral Mathematics
18th May 2021TuesdayFiqh & Aqualad,
Weaving and Textile Design
19th May 2021WednesdayManipuri,
21st May 2021FridayMIL/*English
22nd May 2021SaturdayFine Art
25th May 2021TuesdayGeneral Science
29th May 2021SaturdaySocial Science
31st May 2021MondayHindi (E),
Arabic Literature,
Garment Designing
1st June 2021TuesdaySanskrit
Advanced Mathematics
Home Science
Computer Science
Assam HSLC Routine 2021
Assam HSLC Routine 2021

Assam HSLC Practical Exam Routine 2021

Check out the Assam 10th practical exam dates available here. The Practical exams will be conducted in the month of March 2021.

DateDayMorning Shift (9:00 AM to 12:00 PM)Afternoon Shift (01:30 PM to 04:30 PM)
4th March 2021ThursdayGarment Designing, Music, Fine Art, Computer Science.
5th March 2021FridayHome Science, Dance, Weaving and Textile Design, Wood Craft, Retail Trades, IT/ITES, Private Security, Health Care, Agriculture and horticulture, Tourism and hospitality,
Assam HSLC Practical Exam Routine 2021
Assam HSLC Practical Exam Routine 2021

How to download Assam HSLC Routine 2021

SEBA is the one that conducts the HSLC exams in state level.  The exams will be organized according to the scheduled dates. Students need not worry about the dates change as they are finalized by the higher authority of the board.  The board will not delay the exam conducting process unless and until something unexpected comes up. So, students need to get ready to take up the exam on the said dates. SEBA HSLC routine 2021 is here below for you.

The below steps will help you download the Assam HSLC routine 2021 easily.  We have jotted down simple steps on how to download the Assam HSLC routine 2021.

  • Visit the official website of SEBA.
  • Once the website opens, find the link that says Assam HSLC Routine 2021 and click on it.
  • The link will open a new page where you can see the PDF file of the routine.  Click on the link and the Assam HSLC Routine 2021 PDF download will take place in your system.
  • Open the file and check the dates of the both theory and practical exams.
  • Keep the printed form of the exam routine with you for easy access.

The Assam HSLC routine 2021 is available in our website – KVPY.ORG.IN as well. Simply scroll down to see the exam routine in detail.